His Excellency Bishop Atallah Hanna: We send an urgent message from the Church of the Resurrection to all Christians in the world, especially the spiritual leaders, from all churches and all Christians.

His Excellency Bishop Atallah Hanna:   We send an urgent message from the Church of the Resurrection to all Christians in the world, especially the spiritual leaders, from all churches and all Christians.

Prepared and followed up by: Rabaa Youssef Shaheen

◾His  Bishop Atallah Hanna (Archbishop of Sebastia)  Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Occupied Alquds.

Our Orthodox Church celebrates tomorrow, Tuesday, the memorial of Saint James the Apostle, who was the first bishop of the Holy City, and on the eve of this glorious spiritual occasion, we send an urgent message from the Church of the Resurrection to all Christians in the world, especially the spiritual leaders, from all churches and all Christians, on the necessity that they pay attention to Palestine and its bleeding, as well as to Lebanon, which is being subjected to a brutal aggression.

◾His Excellency Bishop Atallah Hanna

We ask you first to pray for us, as we are in dire need of your prayers and supplications for the absent peace and the lost justice in the Holy Land, and raise your voice loudly demanding an end to the war that has led to a huge amount of humanitarian disasters in Gaza.

Gaza has become completely destroyed as a result of this war, not to mention the pain, sorrow, blood, and abuse that our people are exposed to there.

Let us raise our voice loudly together and together demanding an end to the war of extermination that our people are exposed to in Gaza, as well as an end to the war on Lebanon.

◾He continued by saying:
The wounds of Gaza and the blood of its children will haunt all those who supported this aggression that led to this huge amount of humanitarian disasters.

They will also haunt the silent ones whose silence was like bullets and bombs that kill civilians.

The humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and the brutal and brutal aggression have exposed many faces, especially those who sing the praises of human rights, and today they remain silent in the face of these horrific crimes against humanity as if they mean nothing to them.

The people of Gaza are dying of hunger, not to mention the shells and missiles that are raining down on them, as if the Strip has become a testing ground for all weapons manufactured in the West.

We call for an end to the aggression on Gaza and Lebanon, for enough wars, pain, blood and sorrows, and it is time for this war to stop.

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *

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قيادة محافظة شبوة تزور ضريح الشهيد الرئيس الصماد ومعارض شهداء ابناء المحافظات الجنوبية والشرقية بالعاصمة صنعاء

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اقرأ المزيد
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مركز الزيتونة يصدر ورقة علمية تبحث في أثر البيئة الاجتماعية الإسرائيلية على حرب الإبادة على قطاع غزة

أصدر مركز الزيتونة للدراسات والاستشارات ورقة علمية بعنوان: “البيئة الاجتماعية الإسرائيلية لحرب الإبادة على قطاع غزة”، وهي من إعداد د. إبراهيم عبد الكريم، الباحث الفلسطيني المتخصص بالشؤون الإسرائيلية وقضية فلسطين. وتحاول الدراسة تكوين مقاربة توثيقية تحليلية، لمجمل ما يتعلق بخصائص المجتمع الإسرائيلي وتوجهاته وحراكاته الاجتماعية والدينية والدعائية، وسواها، حيث توفّر تلك البيئة العوامل والظروف اللازمة […]

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اقرأ المزيد