Türk says world must act as darkest moment of Gaza conflict unfolds

Türk says world must act as darkest moment of Gaza conflict unfolds

UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk said today the darkest moment of the Gaza conflict is unfolding in the north of the Strip, where the Israeli military is effectively subjecting an entire population to bombing, siege and risk of starvation, as well as being forced to choose between mass displacement and being trapped in an active conflict zone.


He called on the world’s leaders to act, saying States have a duty under the Geneva Conventions to ensure respect for international humanitarian law.


“The bombing in North Gaza is non-stop,” he said. “The Israeli military has ordered hundreds of thousands to move, with no guarantees of return. But there is no safe way to leave: the bombs continue to fall; the Israeli military is separating families and detaining many people; and people fleeing have been reportedly shot at.


“Unimaginably, the situation is getting worse by the day. The Israeli Government’s policies and practices in northern Gaza risk emptying the area of all Palestinians. We are facing what could amount to atrocity crimes, including potentially extending to crimes against humanity.”


Türk said Palestinian armed groups also reportedly continue to operate amongst civilians, including in places of shelter, putting civilians in harm’s way, which is totally unacceptable.


“There is extremely limited access to this part of Gaza,” the High Commissioner added. “Next to no aid has reached the area in weeks, with unlawful restrictions remaining, and many are now facing starvation.


“The Israeli military is striking hospitals, and staff and patients have been killed and injured or forced to evacuate simultaneously. Shelters, once schools, are struck daily. Communication with the outside world remains extremely limited. Journalists continue to be killed.”


Already over 150,000 people are reportedly dead, wounded or missing in Gaza. “My gravest fear is, given the intensity, breadth, scale and blatant nature of the Israeli operation currently underway in North Gaza, that number will rise dramatically,” he said.


“I have repeatedly expressed alarm at the methods and means of warfare, and the gravity of the violations committed by all sides.”


He said the International Court of Justice has also been clear on Israel’s obligation to ensure entry and delivery of humanitarian aid, and to this effect has issued binding orders to ensure Israel conforms with its obligations under the Genocide Convention.


“Under the Geneva Conventions, States have an obligation to act when a serious violation of international humanitarian law has been committed,” Türk said. “Under the Genocide Convention, State parties also have the responsibility to act to prevent such a crime, when risk becomes apparent.


“For months, I have pleaded with all parties to the conflict, as well as all States, particularly those with influence in the region, to act to stop the carnage and destruction, to ensure the prompt and unconditional release of all hostages, and to ensure international humanitarian and international human rights law are respected. But still this goes on and on and on.


“Now, the international rule of law is being progressively dismantled,” he added. “Either the world ashamedly fails those who so desperately need help, or we stand united and put a stop to this.


“To all the world’s leaders, I remind you of your responsibility to ensure respect for international humanitarian law as set out in the Geneva Conventions. These are universally accepted and binding norms developed to preserve the very bare minimum of humanity. I implore you to put the protection of civilians and human rights first, and not to abandon that minimum of humanity.”


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